Current Students
Students enrolled in the current school year, please use the link below to request your transcripts. Please allow 2 weeks prior to your deadline for processing.
You can use this form to request both an official or an unofficial copy of your high school transcript.
If you have multiple requests, please use multiple forms.
You can pay the $2 fee per transcript online, using the instructions in the form.
Questions? Please email the Registrar, Julie Ikler:
Midyear transcripts
Some schools will request an updated transcript from you once grades from 2nd Quarter have been posted. This is called a mid-year transcript. If your school requires mid-year grades from you, please use this form.
midyear transcript request form
Former Students
former students Request a Transcript
Former students and alumni, if you are over 18, you need to request your own transcripts.
You can use this form to request both an official or an unofficial copy of your high school transcript. If you have multiple requests, please use multiple forms.
For a transcript to be considered “official”, the transcript must be signed and sealed by the Registrar and enclosed in a sealed envelope, OR sent directly to a college, university, summer program, scholarship application etc.
There is a $2 fee per transcript. Options for payment are on the request form. Please allow 2 weeks prior to your deadline for processing.
For questions, please email Julie Ikler, our registrar:
Official vs. Unofficial Transcripts
For a transcript to be considered “official”, the transcript must be signed and sealed by the Registrar and enclosed in a sealed envelope, OR sent directly to a college, university, summer program, scholarship application etc.
Unofficial "Student" transcripts are available for parents and students through your Infinite Campus portal,
or by requesting one through the Former Student Transcript Request Form.
Official transcripts are $2 each, which can be paid through your RevTrak account; a link is provided on the Transcript Request Form.
For questions, please email our registrar, Julie Ikler: