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Counseling & Support

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Sign up to meet with a counselor

We are no longer offering walk-in counseling. If you need to meet with a counselor, please sign up for a meeting time and mark your calendar. If you just have a quick question that will take under 5 minutes, you are welcome to drop in during a break during the school day.  When you sign up, please include details of the purpose of the meeting and what you hope to accomplish.  If this meeting is during class time, please check in with your teacher ahead of time to determine if this is an okay time for you to miss class.  We look forward to meeting with you!

Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors, please use this link to sign up to meet with your counselor, Sophie Hughes.
Seniors, please use this link to sign up to meet with your counselor, Diane Jensen.


School counselors are an important resource and partner for our students, providing guidance and support in a variety of areas to help them be successful in their academic, post-secondary and personal lives.

Areas of Support

Tiered Support

Through the Multi-Tiered System of Supports, we provide more targeted and intensive help for students who need it -- both academically and social/emotionally.

We strive to support all students with universal programming.

When a student is struggling, our teachers, school counselors and psychologists give more targeted help.

If targeted support does not work or a student is in crisis our educators employ more intensive interventions.