Community Adventure Program (CAP)
The Cottonwood Institute and New Vista High School
are proud to present the Community Adventure Program
The Community Adventure Program (CAP) is a quarter long, co-ed, project-based class for adventurous high school students that want to practice essential camping and wilderness survival skills, tackle important environmental issues
in their community, and who want to reduce their environmental footprint.
CAP has been one of the strongest, most inspiring high school experiences I have had to date and a class that everyone should take at least once at New Vista. The survival skills CAP students learn could save their lives,
but more importantly CAP gives them the tools, inspiration, and confidence to go out into their communities,
their environments, and their worlds and make a difference.cap student
Thank you for empowering, motivating, and inspiring my daughter.
You have opened her mind to new people, the community, and environmental issues.
I am so grateful that there are programs in the world like yours making beautiful connections.cap parent
The Cottonwood Institute is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt non-profit organization based in Denver, Colorado that is on a mission to connect students to the outdoors and empower them to tackle local environmental issues to improve their schools, the community, and the environment for future generations.
For more information, please visit the Cottonwood Institute's website and read their blog about our CAP class!