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"Outside the Box" New Vista Programs

Students erecting a greenhouse frame over the garden



Recognizing that all learning doesn't have to take place inside four walls...

New Vista offers many exciting "outside
the box" learning opportunities for students.






A circle of people playing hand drums


Here at New Vista we are committed to connecting our students to the greater community. Quarter-long workshops, taught by community teachers and experts, are offered each Wednesday, 12:30-2:30pm.  Each quarter students register for workshops, selecting their top three choices. The student are placed into one of their selected choices, and expected to attend for the entire quarter.  Students will earn 0.25 credits/quarter for attending a workshop.

Learn more on our Workshops page.

a hand holding a hand trowel digging in the dirt

Community Experience

If students choose to enroll in the Community Experience (CE) program, they leave school every Wednesday at 11:30 a.m. to volunteer.  CEs at New Vista are a way for students to earn credit while volunteering in the community.  Students help out in schools, medical facilities, farms, non-profit organizations, private businesses, apprentice with a craft or trade and many other avenues.

Learn more on our Community Experience page.
a student writing in a yearbook

independent study

Independent Studies are an opportunity for students to broaden and deepen their understanding of​ a topic they are passionate about pursuing while earning credit.

Learn more on our Independent Study page.
photo of a person trying to light a fire using sticks and friction


The Cottonwood Institute and New Vista High School are proud to present the Community Adventure Program​​

 ​​​​The Community Adventure Program (CAP) is a quarter long, co-ed, project-based class
for adventurous high school students that want to practice essential camping and wilderness survival skills, tackle important environmental issues in their community, and who want to reduce their environmental footprint. 

Learn more on our CAP page.
student standing to present their culminating project

culminating project

Every student must undertake a Culminating Project during the Stage II process in order to gradua​te. 

The Culminating Project is an opportunity to undertake a major piece of rigorous, original work in an area of great interest and personal relevance to the student.  It may involve work directly connected to the student’s intended path. It may involve exploration of path alternatives.  Or, it may be a personal passion unconnected to the student’s stated path.

Learn more on our Culminating Project page.
students working together to move branches and a tree on the ground

service week

Students at New Vista spend time every year out in the community or in the school giving their time and talents to improve the world around them. We read, we restore, we paint, we rebuild trails,  we reforest, we learn about 
ourselves and how we can be
of service to our community.​​

We created a video of some of our past service projects that you can view here.