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Choice Enrollment Events and Information

Exterior view of the front New Vista High School with a flag flying and blue sky

Choice Enrollment for the 2025-26 school year
opens on November 1, 2024 and closes on January 8, 2025.

Families who apply to New Vista during the Choice Enrollment Window
will participate in a lottery in January. Families who apply Post-Lottery will be placed on a wait list and be offered a seat when space becomes available.

For more information on how to apply to New Vista High School, please visit the BVSD Choice Enrollment page.  Thank you!



2024-25 choice Enrollment Events

To learn more about New Vista,
please join us for one of our
Choice Enrollment Evenings:

Monday, November 4 and Thursday, Dec. 5
6:30 p.m. at New Vista High School
No RSVP required, all are welcome!


Coffee with the Principal:
Thursday, November 14 and Thursday, December 12
8:30-9:30 a.m.
Please use this link to register in advance so we can plan accordingly.
Tour of our current building:
Monday, December 16 at noon
Please use this link to register in advance so we can plan accordingly.
Thank you!



We hope you will enjoy this virtual showcase that highlights
some of the beautiful people of New Vista, past and present.

New Vista Groundbreaking August 24, 2023

Project Photos and Speaker notes

The Who, the What, the Why and the Way of the Owl

We hope this slide deck can help answer the question:
"Why New Vista?"

Please click on the box below to access the slide deck.

New Vista 201


A video from COVID days, and no, we are not still wearing masks here,
but the messaging is the same, amazing New Vista story.

this is new vista high school


New Vista's Academic Departments

Please enjoy these student-created videos and learn more about each of our departments.

A Few Words from New Vista Alumni

Video by Diane Jensen, School Counselor



What Makes New Vista Teachers so special?

"New Vista Teachers"- Video by Julia Casey, class of 2015.

What is Service Week?

Students at New Vista spend a few days every year out in the community or in the school giving their time and talents to improve the world around them. We read, we restore, we paint, we rebuild trails,  we reforest, we learn about ourselves and how we can be of service to our community.
"Building an Outdoor Classroom"- Video by Julien Motola, class of 2017.
"A Week in Panama"- New Vista partnered with locals in Panama to build an outdoor structure for the school and the community.  Video by Kai Wilcox, class of 2021
For questions, please email our registrar, Julie Ikler: